Liquid error: Index was outside the bounds of the array. Liquid error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Error 002

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PartnerHub is the online platform used to conduct the Operational Review process. This platform facilitates collaboration between Providers and Portfolio Managers. PartnerHub features make the Operational Review process collaborative, streamlined, integrated, and efficient for both Providers and Portfolio Managers.​ Through PartnerHub, you will have access to resources and supporting information related to the Operational Review’s Core Areas, Standards, Modules, and Elements.

The Operational Review is used as the primary assessment tool to identify existing strengths and opportunities for improvement to facilitate capacity building in the housing sector and to achieve standards of operational effectiveness in the delivery of subsidized housing and supportive programs.​ Through the PartnerHub dashboard, you have access to quick and concise information on the progress of your Operational Review and its current status. PartnerHub will assist in scheduling, tracking tasks, flagging incidents, escalating concerns, and managing documents exchanged between your Portfolio Managers and staff.

PartnerHub has been designed to allow Providers to submit supporting documentation to demonstrate contract compliance. The new platform includes additional features such as a Dashboard with real-time data to monitor progress, Knowledge Base and Case support for questions and system issues. Providers with PartnerHub accounts will have access to the resources and information year-round; not only during an open Operational Review.​

View my Operational Review Dashboard